Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Video Editing Cut to The Beat

Exit Interview

1. Comment about your work ethic in this course. 
I put effort into my projects and worked for the majority of the time. While I did get off track sometimes I did my best to focus on my work and not to spend a lot of time away from the projects. I believe my work ethic was good, but could use some improvement with time management on some occasions. 

2. Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 

 I particularly enjoyed the Minecraft assignment and the Raft Game Journalism assignment. The Minecraft assignment I enjoyed due to the creativity and art in the project in creating a fictional city or concept city, while I worked solo in this assignment instead of in a group, I did get a lot done, and it shows. The Raft assignment was enjoyable for the reason that it was a fun and enjoyable survival game that posed a challenge. The only problem was that some of the items couldn't be posted or on time due to it having to involve luck for some events to occur in the game.

3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why? 

          Thunkable. It was an absolute nightmare, it barely worked and was such a pain to even follow the tutorials since they used a entirely different version in the video and that version didn't even work. It was long, frustrating, and a somewhat waste of time. Thunkable was the only project that I struggled with or had a difficulty completing.   


Thursday, January 17, 2019

Raft Game Journalism Day 4 Part 2

It can be thrown farther than the plastic hook and can mine resources faster. It is made out of scrap metal instead of plastic and has a higher durability. It helps collect more resources due to the ability to throw it farther. I built it because it was an upgrade and it allowed me to collect more barrels. It works great when diving and collecting more resources really helps me expand the raft, I think it is worth building this as soon as you can.

Storage Container
It can store more than twice as much items as the normal storage container. It takes up more space to place and costs more expensive resources, but it is far superior than the standard container. It really helps when you progress alter on in the game and are creating more and more resources, instead of having to drop other items to make room you can just store them in the container. You definitely need this if you want to make real progress in the game.  

Raft Game Journalism Day 4 Part 1

               Water Purifier 
It can Purify larger quantities of water at once. The starter purifier can only purify one cup of water at a time, while the more advanced purifier can purify a while bottle of water at once. Now I have a more steady supply of water, and won't dehydrate. I built it because I had built the water bottle but I wasn't able to use it to its full extent due to the old purifier only being able to fill it up 1/6 at a time. It was worth the expensive materials  used to make it because now I no longer need to use wood to purify water and it can purify larger quantities at once. 


It can cook multiple pieces of meat at once or one larger fish. It's bigger than the normal grill and can hold more wood. It helps create a steady supply of cooked food instead of having to cook one at a time. I built it because I had a stockpile of catfish and couldn't cook it on the standard grill. It was definitely worth building it as now I have already cooked food in storage so I have something to tie me over in case I need to collect more food. 

It allows me to regenerate more health than the standard bed. It is raised up off the ground and is bigger, plus the health regeneration is far greater. It helps survive shark attacks or diving as you can gain health from lying down. I built it because I do more diving and get damaged more often so I wanted something better. It works better at night as more time passes and you heal more, but in the daytime the effect is kinda slow, but is faster than the standard bed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Raft Game Journalism Day 3

Raft Play Day 4

  1. Build a water purifier
  2. Build a grill
  3. Build a cup for water
  4. Build fishing rod to get fish for food
  5. Build bed to pass the night 
  6. Build a hammer to expand/repair your raft
  7. Build a spear to defend your raft from shark attacks
  8. Build a research table
  9. Expand raft
  10. Build a sail

The best feature of the raft is the second floor. It allows for more space and safety from shark attacks. Also using a ladder to get up saved me space as well instead of using stairs.